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Happy little baby all warm in her stroller in winter


(all include a rain cover and warm sleeping bag)

Baby Jogger City Elite 2

Baby Jogger City Elite 2 stroller with 3 all-terrain tyres

These amazing strollers have large forever-air all-terrain tyres, all wheel suspension and 1 hand quick folding capability.  They are suitable for children from birth to 34kgs, maximum height 112cm tall.

Comes with adaptors so the Britax B-Safe 35 infant car seat can fit onto stroller frame.


$65 FOR 1 - 7 DAYS

$75 FOR 8 - 14 DAYS

$90 FOR 15 - 30 DAYS

Baby Jogger Summit X3

Baby Jogger Summit x3 stroller with tyres for all terrian
baby jogger summit x3.jpg

These pushchairs are great for a slow stroll but are also suitable for parents who want to go out jogging. They have all wheel suspension and handle bar controls for the front wheel to swivel or to be in a fixed position. Suits children from birth to 34kgs, max height 112cm tall.

Comes with adaptors so the Britax B-Safe 35 infant car seat can fit onto stroller frame.


$65 FOR 1 - 7 DAYS

$75 FOR 8 - 14 DAYS

$90 FOR 15 - 30 DAYS

Britax Steelcraft Agile Twin Stroller

Britax Steelcraft twin stroller in black

These wonderful double buggies have puncture proof wheels and individually reclining seats. Perfect for your little duo during their time in New Zealand! Each seat can take a child weighing 20kgs maximum.


$80 FOR 1 - 7 DAYS

$95 FOR 8 - 14 DAYS

$110 FOR 15 - 30 DAYS

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